Chicago's geography resulted from the action of large glaciers during the Ice Age which created Lake Michigan. The Chicago region is a flat plain that was the bottom of the ancestral Lake Chicago.
The Glacier over Lake Michigan was approximately one mile high. It formed a very large river valley along the Des Plaines and Illinois Rivers when it melted. At one point the Glacier blocked the Mississippi River and the Chicago / Desplaines/ Illinois Rivers drained the melting waters of the Glacier, resulting in a very wide river valley.

City limits of Chicago
A very large limestone quarry has been excavated south of the city in Thornton. The Thornton quarry was a coral reef when the area was covered by a sea many millions of years ago.
The highest point within the city limits is in the Beverly neighborhood. This ridge was called Blue Island because it looked like an island set in the prairie.
When Chicago was founded the land was a swamp. It took a major effort to raise the grade of buildable areas and create storm and sanitary sewers to drain the region.
When Chicago was founded the land was a swamp. It took a major effort to raise the grade of buildable areas and create storm and sanitary sewers to drain the region.

A very large limestone quarry has been excavated south of the city in Thornton. The Thornton quarry was a coral reef when the area was covered by a sea many millions of years ago.
The Elementary School Teacher and the Course of Study - Volume 3 - Page 573 - Google Books Result of Chicago. Dept. of Education, University of Chicago. Graduate School of Education - 1903 - Education, ElementaryHills, valleys, and plains — due to glaciers. Contributions of glaciers to the localgeography of Chicago. (Study of work of glaciers at Cary, Glencoe, and Stony ...
Bulletin of the Geographic Society of Chicago - Issue 1 - Page 19 - Google Books Result Society of Chicago - 1920 - GeographyGeographic Society of Chicago. been called interglacial. During the glacial epochs the climate was severe, and the ice-sheets were enlarged; during the ...What role did glaciers play in shaping the physical geography of ... › Categories › Society & CultureChicago's present natural geography is a result... 436 days ago. What is the role ofGlacier Park International Airport? Glacier Park International Airport is loacted ...Chicago Geology - Faculty Home
In the Chicago region, glacial melt was dammed first by the Lake Border Moraine. ...Another major change in the geography of Chicago occurred with the in ...