Point du Sable was a fur trader with an official license from the British government. Du Sable managed a trading post in Indiana.
In 1788 du Sable owned a farm in Chicago and lived there with his wife Catherine and their children.
Suzanne Point du Sable, Jean Baptiste and Catherine's daughter, was married in 1790 and bore a daughter, Eulalie, in 1796. Her brother, Jean Baptiste Jr., worked as a trader on the Missouri River. He died in 1814.
There is a high school in south Chicago named after du Sable. It was always fun to hear their cheerleaders sing:
"Wobble Wobble Wobble, Were from DuSable.
Jean Baptiste Point du Sable - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jean Baptiste Point du Sable (or Point de Sable, Point au Sable, Point Sable, PointeDuSable)(before 1750 – August 28, 1818) is regarded as the first ...
DuSable Museum of African American History
America's foremost museum of African American history. Founded in 1957 by Dr. Margaret T. and Charles G. Burroughs on the south side of Chicago.
Jean-Baptist-Point Du Sable (American pioneer) -- Encyclopedia ...