Chicago - City of Broad Shoulders

This course is about Chicago, We will cover the history of the city and region, the politics, corruption, arts, plans, neighborhoods, humor, achievements and the future of the City.

Interstate Highways

The Chicago region's first expressway 
links were easy-to-build segments through open areas serving heavy traffic to the east into Indiana and to Milwaukee. A toll road network to bypass the city was built in three years, whereas construction of the city's first superhighway through the dense West Side took nearly a decade. Construction was accelerated after the Interstate Highway program made federal funding available. 

Radial expressways, intended to make central Chicago more accessible from the suburbs, proved "two-way streets" by also drawing businesses and residents outward. Extension of the metropolitan expressway network virtually stalled in the 1990s, and a combination of indecision and relentless urban development has precluded additional links along several logical corridors, such as the Fox Valley in Kane County.

Author: Dennis McClendon
Source: Newberry Library