Lieutenant Colonel George Rogers Clark and his
frontiersmen captured Fort Sackville and British Lt. Governor Henry Hamilton on February 25, 1779. The heroic march of Clark's men from Kaskaskia on the Mississippi River in mid-winter and the subsequent victory over the British remains one of the great feats of the American Revolution.
frontiersmen captured Fort Sackville and British Lt. Governor Henry Hamilton on February 25, 1779. The heroic march of Clark's men from Kaskaskia on the Mississippi River in mid-winter and the subsequent victory over the British remains one of the great feats of the American Revolution.
Clark was hailed as the "Conqueror of the West", and much of the midwest was ceded by Great Britain to the new United States in the Treaty of Paris
Search Results
George Rogers Clark - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
George Rogers Clark National Historical Park - National Park Service
George Rogers Clark - NNDB
IHB: George Rogers Clark Biography - State of Indiana
About George Rogers Clark - Locust Grove
George Rogers Clark Biography - Facts, Birthday, Life Story ... › People
Clark, George Rogers |
American Revolution: Brigadier General George Rogers Clark
A Biography of George Rogers Clark - Silver Creek High School